what's happening with Twenty One Pilots

#MashUpMonday: This Is What Happens When You Mash-Up Bring Me The Horizon With Twenty One Pilots



It’s monday again and we’re hoping you’re making the best of the most grim day of the week! Hopefully, we’ll be able to make your day a little bit better with #MashUpMonday!
Today, we’ve decided to find some awesome mash-ups from two bands that are absolutely different and both incredibly talented: Bring Me The Horizon and Twenty One Pilots!

Turns out even with this combination, two bands who differ a lot from eachother, amazing mash-ups are being made!
We want to share two of the best ones we’ve found with you, as they’re both really cool!

The first one is a mash-up between Bring Me The Horizon’s ‘Can You Feel My Heart’, from the 2013 album ‘Sempiternal’ and Twenty One Pilots’ ‘Fairly Local’, featured on the latest album ‘Blurryface’!

The second one is a mash-up between Bring Me The Horizon’s ‘Throne’, taken from the band’s latest record ‘That’s The Spirit’ and a slightly older song from Twenty One Pilots: ‘Ode To Sleep’. Both mash-ups are a tad messy at times, but epic nonetheless.

​Check them out below!

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Glenn van den Bosch