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New Media Platform Launches, Gives Individuals Chance To Teach Others Via Live Video Chat


We’ll let you in on a little secret: you know so much more than you probably think yourself. Think about things you’re passionate about.. Whether that’s music, photography, painting, any other form of art or anything at all. You possess a lot of information and there are a lot of people who would be very glad to learn from you.

The platform CalltheONE is build on this very idea. It relies on everyone having knowledge over one topic or another, and counts on the willingness of people to share this with other people. You can put yourself out there and give people the opportunity to give you a call through the App or website so they can ask you about what you know best. You’ll get paid for your time spent, as you should and definitely deserve!

We feel very passionate about this platform, as it gives creative types the opportunity to actually make some money rather than, you know, sell your art for “exposure” and “shoutouts”. 
Learn people to play guitar via Live Video chat, share your skills on how you make that photograph just that extra bit special and share your songwriting skills with bands who need some outside inspiration and so much more. The possibilities are endless and we are happy to explore them with you.

Sign up on CALLTHEONE.COM and share your profile with us!

​Want to learn more about the platform? Check out the video below!

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Glenn van den Bosch