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Chat shivam rodhiya
US$ 0,67 pm

US$ 40,00 per hour

shivam rodhiya

Health & fitness

Central Delhi, India

Local time:

shivam will be available in 2 days 0 hours 40 mins

English Proficient

Hindi Native

my availability
Sunday -
Monday 08:00 - 21:00 (UTC+5.5)
Tuesday 08:00 - 21:00 (UTC+5.5)
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00 (UTC+5.5)
Thursday 08:00 - 21:00 (UTC+5.5)
Friday 08:00 - 21:00 (UTC+5.5)
Saturday -

I'm the ONE I m the One who is certified in Health fitness and bodybuilding

My areas of expertise
  • Sports & fitness trainers
    • strength
    • muscle
    • Endurance sport
    • fat burning
    • Body building
    • Six pack quick
    • protein
    • hypertrophy
  • Food & health trainers
    • Health
    • diet
    • diet plan
    • protein
    • nutrition
    • Meal planning
About me

Hello Reader,

Thanks for being here to watch my story. I always loved eating junk a lot till i turned 18. These junk almost killed me from inside. By the age of 18, my body had almost every disease like dysantry, Gastroesophageal Reflux disease, primary stage ulcer, upper Respiratory problem. I was almost broken and use to have thoughts of being dead one day due to my poor eating system.

In the year 2013, I took a decision to optimise my health and giving up all junks for a long span. I somehow managed to have courage to do exercise though it was not easy for me. My height is 167.64 and i was weighing around 187 lbs. My obesity could not let me perform well in my begining phase but thought of making myself a better version kept driving me. Those days, Internet was not a good part of learning as it is now, there were a big shortage of of qualified and knowledgable trainer. Maximum so called trainer were giving guidance as per their bro science and self made assumption. I decided to do my trasformation by myself which got me loose around 40 lbs in my first year but it all came with heavy side effects cause i followed mostly crashed diet. nutrional deprivation affected my eye sight, strength of hair scalp and various organ functions but i was bit Ok as i lost decent amount of fat but tensed on the other hand due to baldness, poor visiblity, poor apetite.

In year 2014, my gym trainer prompted to go on steroid cycle to gain msucle mass which actually hit me in my mind really straight cause every young adult want to look impressive in their college. He sugggested to me to take oral steroid as a beginner , i did that too, but those steroid did not suit very well to my body cause my androgen receptors are not made to work over these compound even my body was not metabolising those substance very well. my liver stopped to work cause my pancreas were not secreting digestive enzymes. I became a victim of chronic hepititis disease. i almost stopped bodybuilding for an year.

In year 2016, i thought of educating myself , I joined a good American body "international sports and science Association". I have accomplished various certification such as Certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, certified bodybuilding coach and cerified online trainer till date. I have competed in various shows ranging from a city to state level. In year 2018 i gave up my engineering career and became a full time fitness and bodybuilding coach.

In my professional career i have helped many client to achieved the goal they desire for, I have helped them in various segment like diet planning, performance optimisation, Health optimisation. My whole agenda is to keep my clients away from bad health and unnecessary substance. I primarily optimise their performance by diffrent training models and diet planning.