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How To Stay Motivated

How To Stay Motivated

Sun 28 Mar 2021
08:00 - 09:00
14:00 - 15:00

9 subscribed Language : English

This webinar has no minimum attendance.

By Marcela
Call Marcela now US$ 1,53 pm
this webinar is about

Have you ever dreamt of doing something amazing? Starting something new? Something healthy?
Something you were so excited about you just couldn’t sleep? Something you knew would make you happy?

So the first two weeks you worked diligently to achieve your dream. Full of energy and excitement you were doing everything you could to achieve that dream..... Just to realize that you are no longer motivated, you have excuses and justifications for going back to your old ways

"I'll start next week....."

Deciding to be healthier, fitter or stronger - that's an easy decision. Don't we all want to be healthy?
Don't we all want to have stronger and fitter bodies?

The struggle to actually stay focused and motivated - that's the hard part

for who is it

Do you ever lie on bed thinking “what's wrong with me”, “I can't do this”, or even “I hate myself”?

It’s hard to be motivated when you feel tired.
It’s difficult to exercise when you feel frustrated.
It's challenging to stick to eating healthy when emotions kick in.

It is so easy to say “I’ll start tomorrow” or “I’ll exercise later”. The tomorrow or later that never comes. Your struggle is real, your frustration and lack of motivation is real.

We understand how difficult it can get when you feel like you are in a ‘cage’.
We can feel trapped in a cage of our excuses, limited beliefs, low self-esteem and self-love. Many of us have been there. And we bet, you’ve been there as well. You rattle the cage, but the door just won't open.

What's in it for "the attendee"

We all want something, but only a few of us will achieve it. Why?
Let’s do a fast check. Does this sound like you?
-Do you feel lost trying to accomplish something you set your mind to?
-Do you feel like there is no clear direction on how to get there?
-Do you feel like being stuck in one place scared to choose a path?

Feeling this way is way more common than you think. Frankly, most of us don’t really know ‘what’ we want. And we surely don’t know ‘why’ we want it. But we want it now!
You know WHAT to do, let me show you HOW to do it.

About: How To Stay Motivated

How to find your big WHY

if I ask you why do you want to lose weight? or why do you want to stress less? – you will spit out an answer straight from the top of your head.

That’s not your true ‘why’. Your big why comes from your heart, from within. This WHY will take you through days you dot feel like it or when you feel like giving up.

This exercise is called seven levels deep because you move progressively deeper into answers by asking WHY questions seven times. This method has been developed by Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins.

I’ve done this exercise a million times with my clients. And it works 100 percent, every single time.

If you want to lose weight, for example, and you reason WHY is to look good – it will never work for you.
This reason is not deep enough to get you through the rainy and busy days when you don’t feel like it. This reason will not motivate you when you work long hours and have juice company dinners or your kids are asking for attention.

How to overcome self doubt.

Self doubt is a silent killer that puts our ambition, motivation, dreams and life on hold.

Believing in yourself, in your abilities, skills and passion is a must in order to create the life you desire. And by life you desire, I mean getting back into shape, losing weight, stress less, be more mindful and loving and anything else you would like to achieve.

Additional Information

I'm a proud founder of M-Unity movement. We strive to build a world where people aim to be mentally and physically healthy instead of chasing after pictures of so-called beauty standards.
We have experts in fitness, nutritions, mindfulness, heart and mind coherence and mental wellness.

And we hope you can support us in this dream by learning why we do what we do and sharing this information with your loved ones and friends.

We offer 1-on-1 coaching, group coaching, webinars, seminars, workshops and much more - while creating a movement of like-minded people.

We are here to change the world and we need your help, because we can't do this by ourselves.

We hope you are going to be one of us! We can change the world - together!