Найти тренера по психическому здоровью или терапевта

A mental coach or therapist can give you a deeper insight into yourself and help you become or stay mentally healthy. You do not have to be mentally ill or 'weird' to ask for help from a mental coach or therapist. Sometimes a short session can be enough to address a problem or to discover that you have something to learn.
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14 other people who might know about 'Mental health'
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WilsMindset coachUS$ 4,05 пмFirst 15 min. free -
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BulanovEstudioUS$ 0,40 пмFirst 10 min. free -
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Deprezmental coachUS$ 1,21 пмFirst 2 min. free -
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WangaCreativityUS$ 0,55 пмFirst 5 min. free -
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DominguezEstudiante de medUS$ 0,06 пмFirst 15 min. free -
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FernándezTraining / StudiesUS$ 0,20 пм -
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GilEscuchar y alentarUS$ 0,25 пм -
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