Presidents who present with humor in front of their audience
It may not be the first thing you think about. A president of a country who, in front of his international colleagues, conveys a serious message with humor. The current president of Ukraine and former comedian Volodymyr Zelensky does that. He came up with a group chat between the current world leaders and showed on stage how that could work out. Hilariousness at its best.
Do all the important messages have to be taken seriously when you're on stage?
Volodymyr Zelensky proves as Ukrainian president that you don't always have to get an important message across seriously. Although of course, you have to be careful with jokes and don't offend anyone. In some cultures, humor works differently than in other cultures, and you can easily insult someone without realizing it yourself.
If you are standing in front of a broad international audience, then caution and understanding of other cultures are necessary. President Volodymyr Zelensky's goal has, in any case, been achieved, because his footage goes viral on the Internet and social media.
Learn to present on stage with humor.
Do you want to know how to be on stage with humor or convey a message? Call a public speaker expert or someone who can write humorous stories on CallTheONE. You pay per minute as long as the conversation lasts, and the first minute is free.
Do world leaders have humor?
Many world leaders have preceded Volodymyr Zelensky. Obama had a great humorous speechwriter and was able to bring a speech at the dinner of the White House correspondents in 2016 sublime. This requires self-confidence, practice, and talent.
What happens if you get a serious message across too seriously?
There is an example of former Australian President Julia Gillard's who wants to make a point in 2012. She gets so emotional that her voice shatters and her colleagues miss entirely the point she wants to make. She passes on her point, but by her performance, she gives few colleagues the energy to be willing to listen, which makes it difficult for her message to get across.
About TheONE
The chosen videos are not a political preference or a preference of points of view, opinions, or presidents. They are just examples of different styles of how you can effectively communicate a difficult message to an audience.

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